Invest with 10X

Our strategy is to keep things simple.  We analyze & target communities in New Hampshire to invest in Real Estate.  

We find specific properties within those communities to purchase and offer to partner with you on those properties.  Then we will manage the property, place a tenant in that property and split the profit 50/50 with you.

What we ask is that you bring the down payment to the transaction... this is normally 20-25% of the purchase price ($40-$60K).  In some cases we help with down payments.

So...why invest with us?  3 reasons:

  • We have a track record of picking properties which cash flow and are positioned to gain equity as the market improves. 
  • We have the experience and know-how to choose locations and properties which set us up for success.  
  • We will help educate you and guide you on your wealth-creation journey.

Want to learn more? Schedule an appointment with our team today!