Turning Around Struggling Airbnbs: The Journey

Is your Airbnb draining your bank account faster than a burst pipe? I’ve been there. The truth is, growing your portfolio isn’t always the solution. Often, the key lies in maximizing the revenue from what’s already in your hands.

Here’s what worked for me, and how you can implement these strategies too:

1. More Properties Don’t Always Equal More Profit

Many people believe that more properties will automatically lead to more income. In reality, more properties can just mean more headaches and expenses. Some of my smaller listings ended up outperforming the bigger ones because I focused on improving them. It’s all about quality over quantity. Start by seeing the potential in what you already own.

2. Targeted Upgrades Can Lead to Big Wins

Instead of rushing to buy your next property, think about smart upgrades for your existing ones. One of my rentals in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire was losing money quickly. Instead of panicking, I invested $22,000 to add a pickleball court. The result? Monthly revenue jumped from $13,000 to $37,000 almost overnight.

A well-planned upgrade, tailored to what your guests want, can dramatically boost your earnings.

3. Professional Photography: The Best ROI You Can Get

Here’s the deal: If your Airbnb listing still has phone photos, it’s time to stop. You’re underselling your property. I spent $500 on professional photos for one of my listings and brought in $18,000 in bookings within 24 hours. Guests make quick decisions based on what they see. If your photos don’t shine, they’ll scroll right past your listing. Simple as that.

4. Focus on Experiences, Not Just a Place to Stay

Today’s guests aren’t just booking a room; they’re looking for a unique experience. A small investment in the right amenities can create Instagram-worthy moments that double as free marketing for your property. Consider features like:

  • Pickleball courts – A fast-growing trend in the U.S.
  • Fire pits with string lights – A cozy outdoor space everyone loves.
  • Statement decor – Items like neon signs or bold murals that encourage guests to post on social media.
  • Outdoor games – Think mini-golf, cornhole, and more to keep guests entertained.

5. Design Your Space with Your Audience in Mind

You need to understand your target market and design your space accordingly. One of my properties in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, dubbed the “Seacoast Retreat,” was designed specifically for couples’ getaways. Since Portsmouth is a popular destination for romantic weekends, I leaned into that theme. Now, the place is fully booked every weekend. When you know your audience, you can design an experience they’ll love.

6. Keep Innovating and Evolving

The short-term rental industry is constantly changing, and keeping up with trends is essential. I had a property in Conway, New Hampshire, that was performing just okay. “Okay” doesn’t support growth. After upgrading the backyard with a pickleball court and a fire pit, revenue shot up by $2,000 per month. Even small improvements can have a massive impact on your earnings.

Here’s How You Can Start Right Now:
  • Assess your properties: Are they Instagram-worthy or stuck in fixer-upper territory?
  • Invest in experience-driven features: Add fire pits, unique decor, or amenities that make your guests go “wow.”
  • Upgrade your listing photos: If you haven’t done this yet, it’s a game-changer. Your phone pictures won’t cut it anymore.

By implementing these strategies, you can transform your underperforming Airbnb into a high-performing one.